● Et lyddøgn (Around the Clock) Demo [3:20]

I started working on these sound works in 2016, and the concept was to use ProTools 5.0 from 1999, installed on a G4 Mac running OS 9.2. Does anyone remember that excellent operative system with the beatiful design? The computer starts up in 58 seconds and the progran itself is ready to use after just 12 seconds. But the reason I chose that setup was due to a certain package of plugins called GRM Tools from INA (Institut national de l’audiovisuel) in France. I really miss those tools. The idea of the project is to install loudspeakers in a public space accessible all day. So when people pass by they can stop to listen for a few seconds or as long as they like aound the clock.

Niels Plenge 2024, sound works, 24 x 60 min
